Tips for Visual Aids Presentation

Microsoft Chairman Steve Ballmer speaks during a presentation introducing the availability of the Windows Vista operating system, November 30, 2006 at the NASDAQ market site in New York City. The new business version of the operating system is being released to businesses today and to consumers starting in January.  (Photo by Stephen Chernin/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Steve Ballmer

Image by Getty Images via Daylife

There are few common mistakes people do during powerpoint presentation, which cause the poor use of visuals during a presentation. Here are the most common problems with PowerPoint presentations and how you can solve them so that you avoid “Death by PowerPoint”.

Golden Tips to Avoid Poor Visual Presentation

Zemanta Pixie

A Lesson on Teamwork


Image via Wikipedia

Nurturing Leaders is one of the major objective of Toastmasters. Not many people can achieve a goal alone, but with effective Teamwork it makes things easier. Teamwork is the body that support the growth of a club. This video is a lesson we can learn from geese about why teamwork is so powerful.

  1. Fact: As each goose flaps its wings it creates an “uplift” for the birds that follow. By flying in a V-formation, the whole flock adds 72% greater flying range than if each bird flew alone.Lesson: People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they are going quicker and easier because they are traveling on the thrust of another. Continue reading

Area D6 Toastmasters Christmas Joint Meeting 13th Dec 2007

Every Season we find a Reason to gather, This Christmas season we gather not only just for fun but also to learn and grow as better communicators together.

Join us on 13th Dec 2007
Time : 7pm
Venue: Bedok Community Centre
850 New Upper Changi Road

Please RSVP with our Club’s Sergent at Arms : Alex Sin 93831770

P.S: No meeting at Siglap Toastmasters on the 20th December 2007 Continue reading